State of Mind
Ever get something into your head that you knew was taking you in the wrong direction? Did you get it out of your head and then it kept coming back? The challenge with this is that it derails your focus and can also have implications for your emotions and behavior.
Unfortunately, it is easier said than done to keep our headspace where it needs to be and there are usually habits of thinking at work that we might have developed some time ago. Rather than fight with your mind, give it a direction to go in instead by using a cue word or mantra to remind yourself about what's important. Here are some examples:
You can use this strategy to refocus and ignite resilience after a performance, particularly those that you're uncertain about or know didn't go well, to prime your focus prior to a performance, or to reset your focus while performing. But remember that you're trying to trigger your focus/mindset and emotions (and ultimately behavior!) so make sure you personalize your cue words or mantras so they are specific to you. "Like food is to the body, self-talk is to the mind. Don't let any junk thoughts repeat in your head." - Maddy Malhotra
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